Interested in working for the Oiled Wildlife Care Network (OWCN)? Here’s your chance!

Did you know the OWCN is hiring a Readiness Specialist? Thinking about applying, but you’re not exactly sure what a Readiness Specialist does? Well, I am here to talk you into it (okay not really, just provide some insight). As the Readiness Coordinator for Care Operations you and I would be working very closely together. I’ve been in this role for a little over four years – time flies! I love my job and am honored to work for the Oiled Wildlife Care Network.

Hopefully, I can give you a little insight into the role. During non-spill times the Readiness positions are very much focused on serving our amazing Network. Having over 45 Member Organizations with greater than 1,400 responders we have a VERY important job. Our responsibilities vary, but the Readiness staff are mainly responsible leading the following activities between spill responses:
- Oversight of the responder database, Better Impact
- Providing excellent “customer service” to our network members
- Managing communications and engagement to the OWCN Member Organizations- sometimes we refer to this as “reaching in”
- Facilitating the training program
- Coordinating outreach requests
- Leading logistics and planning for our state-wide events and trainings

In addition to our many “readiness” responsibilities, we also get to contribute to our respective streams (Field and Care operations). There is no “typical” day, but I can promise you our work is rewarding and interesting. Remember, at any time the phone could ring and we’re running out the door to a spill and the person in this position will fill a key leadership role for oiled wildlife during oil spill response.

To apply for the Readiness Specialist position:
Readiness not your thing? That’s okay! We have another exciting opening – Research Program Assistant. This position will provide crucial administrative support to both the Oiled Wildlife Care Network and the California Veterinary Emergency Team (CVET).
To apply for the Research Program Assistant position:
I’d also like to mention that we have an amazing team of very talented and passionate individuals who work hard AND have fun doing it. If you’re convinced that YOU might be the best person for either of these positions, act now! The position application window closes on August 21st for the Readiness Specialist and on August 22nd for the Research Program Assistant.
I am excited to meet my new Readiness partner in crime and our new Research Program Assistant. Oh, and in case you’re wondering – that’s me in the front and the rest of our team celebrating a very special occasion.

Danene Birtell
Readiness Coordinator, Care Operations