Training & Drills
Since its inception the OWCN has been a world leader in developing written protocols for oiled wildlife care utilizing the expertise found within the Member Organizations, as well as scientist and responder colleagues around the world. Our protocols are reviewed and updated annually. We work hard to research new techniques, improve existing protocols, and continue to expand them to cover a wider range of species.
Our training program ensures a foundational understanding of the principles the protocols are based on and instills common techniques and practices to provide consistent, high-quality care. Regular Exercises and Drills provide the practice and testing to measure our progress.

One of the best ways to help the OWCN rescue oiled wildlife is to become a member or volunteer at one of our Member Organizations. Volunteering for one of these organizations will give you important skills and experience that will be helpful during an oil spill. Additionally, when there is a spill, our pre-trained volunteers are the first to be called to help.