Oilapalooza 2021, Take 2!
Spill response, that’s what we do! So, when we had to cancel the 2021 Oilapalooza Conference due to the Pipeline P00547 incident we wanted to find a unique way to offer some of the exciting topics we had planned for the conference to our Network. That brought us to the creation of the 2022 OWCN Lecture Series. And, just like that, those 6 months have passed, and we’ve presented the entire Lecture Series!

A HUGE thank you to all our amazing speakers who made this series possible. Also, a big thank you to Kyra Mills from the OWCN Management Team and Scott Buhl (previous Field Ops Readiness Coordinator) who assisted in coordinating these events. Unable to join us for one or all these events? Don’t worry, you can still view recordings of the entire Lecture Series through your responder profile.
Now, onto the exciting news! We are pleased to announce that the 2022 Oiled Wildlife Care Network Oilapalooza Conference is scheduled for Saturday, October 22nd and Sunday, October 23rd.

The conference will be held at the UC Davis Conference Center in Davis, CA. The first day will consist of lectures and interactive activities on a diverse range of spill response topics, followed by an evening reception at the UC Davis Alumni Center. For the second day we will be offering various hands-on workshops in and around Davis.
Registration information will be available through your Member Organization later this summer. In general, we will allocate a certain number of in-person attendance spots to each Member Organization (which will be chosen by the Member Organization contacts). Once those in-person spots are filled, we will offer any additional in-person spaces to individual responders (on a first come, first served basis). Alternatively, if you want to join the fun but can't get away that week or prefer to attend virtually, we will be live streaming the lectures on day 1 only via Zoom. More info on this will be shared later this month.
Don’t forget, the OWCN Core Webinar Series is a firm prerequisite to attend Oilapalooza, both in-person or virtually. If you have any questions about the event or the Core Webinar prerequisite, please email us at owcn@ucdavis.edu.
What is Oilapalooza? For any of you that have not heard of or attended an Oilapalooza before, it is the OWCN's biennial conference usually held in rotating locations around the state of CA.
*Not an OWCN responder but interested in becoming one? To join the OWCN, you must be at least 18 years of age, and an active staff member or volunteer with one of our 46 Member Organizations. Click here to view all of our Member Orgs!
Thank you all for your continued commitment to the OWCN! We look forward to seeing some of you in October!