Save the Date!
The OWCN’s 2023 Training & Engagement Schedule is Live
Hello OWCN Response Community! We are excited to share that our 2023 training and engagement calendar is live.

Although we’re getting a bit of a later start this year due to many spills to start the New Year, we promise to offer many exciting training and engagement opportunities, including some new offerings. As you view the calendar, please take note that some of our events are in person and some are being held on a virtual platform.

Photo: Debbie McGuire, Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center
Also, were excited to bring back our in-person 24-hour HAZWOPER Training. Just a few weeks ago, 23 responders completed our first live 24-hour HAZWOPER course since 2019. A big thank you to the attendees and to our partners at California Department of Fish and Wildlife - Office of Spill Prevention and Response (CDFW-OSPR) for presenting the course. An extra special shout out to our hosts, OWCN Member Organization, Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center. We appreciate their ongoing support!

New to the OWCN? Please join us for the New Responder Engagement event, which is coming up on May 31st. This is agreat place to start for new responders; if you have recently joined our responder database and seek some assistance in getting started, please join us for this virtual engagement hosted via Zoom. We will provide an overview of our training program and host a Q & A session.
Please keep an eye on those inboxes! All active responders will be receiving an e-mail with more information on our upcoming events very soon.
Continuing Education Reminder
And as a reminder to all of our active responders, the OWCN requires engagement with our training program at least every 2 years to maintain active status. Attending any of our trainings, watching recordings of past events, and participating as a volunteer or staff member at a drill or spill refreshes your CE.
Interested in becoming an OWCN Responder?
Don't worry, we're here to help. To be eligible to join the OWCN you must be 18 years of age and an active member of one of our 44 Member Organizations. For more information on eligibility and how to join the OWCN, please contact us at owcn@ucdavis.edu.
We hope that everyone is having a wonderful spring and we look forward to seeing you very soon.
Danene Birtell