Funded Grants


Michelle Hawkins (UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine - California Raptor Center)
Sedation protocols for birds of prey affected by inland oil spills

Deborah Jaques (Pacific Eco Logic)
Brown pelican tracking using electronic leg bands and the Motus System: Phase II

Christine Kreuder Johnson (UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine - EpiCenter for Disease Dynamics)
Validation of rapid detection methods for influenza and SARS-CoV-2 in aquatic birds & mammals

Katta Ludynia (SANCCOB)
Evaluation of risks of oil contamination in endangered seabirds in Algoa Bay, South Africa, linked to ship-to-ship bunkering and anthropogenic maritime activities

Risa Pesapane (The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine)
Mitigating the impact of nasopulmonary mites on marine mammal rehabilitative care: Phase I

Tess Rooney (UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine)
Pharmacokinetics of a single dose of oral gabapentin in Pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina)


Lauren Palmer (Marine Mammal Care Center Los Angeles)
Post-Release Satellite Tracking of Early Weaned, Rehabilitated California Sea Lions (Zalophus californianus)

Deborah Jaques (Pacific Eco Logic)
Testing an Electronic Ta-in-band Design and the Motus Wildlife Tracking System for Monitoring

Gena Bentall (Sea Otter Savvy)
Determining Best Practices for Using Drones Around Sea Otters During Oil spill

Sylvain De Guise (University of Connecticut)
Rapid Quantification of PAH-DNA Adducts by Flow Cytometry in Dolphins Previously Exposed to Oil

Ashley Barratclough (National Marine Mammal Foundation)
Exploring Epigenetic Effects of Oil Exposure on the Biological Age of Common Bottenose Dolphins

Terrie Williams (UC Santa Cruz)
Validating the Use of Hair Cortisol as a Biomarker of Chronic Stress in Sea Otters

Jaime Jahncke (Point Blue Conservation Science) 
Understanding How Future Oil spills Could Impact an Important Colony of Common Murres from the Farallon Islands National Wildlife Refuge


David Garcelon (Institute for Wildlife Studies)
Testing the Applicability of Using Drones to Haze Birds from Oil Hazards

Christine Godwin (Owl Moon Environmental, Inc.)
Post-release Survival of Cleaned and Rehabilitated Mallards that are Oiled on Alberta Oil Sands Mining Operations

Heather Harris (Upwell Turtles)
Investigation of Co-Morbidities in Live Stranded Cold-Stunned Pacific Sea Turtles

Jaime Jahncke (Point Blue Conservation Science)
Understanding how future oil spills could impact an important colony of common murres from the Farallon Islands National Wildlife Refuge

Leticia Koproski (Tríade - Brazilian Institute for Conservation Medicine)
Establishing guidelines for oiled crabs care, well-being and management

Cole Lindsey (Environmental Assessment Services)
Long-term effects of petroleum exposure on northern leopard frogs (Lithobates pipiens)

Katta Ludynia (SANCCOB)
Post-oiling rehabilitation and long-term survival in South African seabirds

Andrea Martin (Widener University)
Testing Detergents for Cleaning Oiled Wildlife

Ravinder Sehgal (San Francisco State University)
Assessment of Gene Responses to Parasite Infections in Oiled Common Murres

Julie Skoglund (International Bird Rescue)
Comparison of Keel Cushion Efficacy in Keel Lesion Prevention in Oiled and Non-Oiled Diving Western and Clark’s Grebes


Megan Isadore (River Otter Ecology Project)
Pixels or Nucleotides? Comparing camera and genetic techniques to assess demographics of San Francisco Bay Area river otters - Year 2

Christine Kreuder Johnson (UC Davis)
Antimicrobial resistance gene patterns among Vibrio spp. in sea otters

Jaime Jahncke (Point Blue)
Quantifying oil exposure risk to locally breeding Alcidae in California using geolocators

Cristin Kelley (Tri-State Bird Rescue Research)
Comparison of manual restraint with and without sedation and outcomes for wild birds undergoing wash

Ben Laurel (Alaska Fisheries Science Center)
Molecular biomarkers linked to crude oil toxicity thresholds in three North Pacific forage fish species

Katta Ludynia (SANCCOB)
Post-oiling rehabilitation outcomes and long-term survival in Southern African seabirds - Year 2


Katrina Counihan (Alaska SeaLife Center)
Photoenhanced toxicity of oil to various immune parameters in three avian species


Megan Isadore (River Otter Ecology Project)
Pixels or Nucleotides? Comparing camera and genetic techniques to assess demographics of San Francisco Bay Area river otters


Christine Kreuder Johnson (UC Davis)
Exploration of novel biomarkers for repeated domoic acid exposure and associated chronic health impacts in at-risk southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis)


Katta Ludynia (SANCCOB)
Post-oiling rehabilitation outcomes and long-term survival in Southern African seabirds


Brett Tiller (Environmental Assessment Services)
Short-term Effects of Petroleum Exposure and the Process of Petroleum Removal on Northern Leopard Frogs (Rana Pipiens)



Jean-Pierre Delplanque (UC Davis)
Evaluation of the addition of a co-axial air stream for delivery of amphotericin B to chicken respiratory tracts using custom designed dry powder insufflator


Kendal Harr (Urika, LLC)
Validation of endocrine and cardiac biomarker measurement indicating exposure to crude oil


Jaime Jahncke (Point Blue Conservation Science)
Quantifying oil spill exposure risk to locally breeding Alcidae in California using geolocators


Deborah Jaques (Pacific Eco Logic)
Variation in Distribution and fate of brown pelicans injured and rehabilitated in California based on band sightings


Deborah Jaques (Pacific Eco Logic)
Annual survival of rehabilitated California brown pelicans:  Oiled versus non-oiled


Christine Kreuder Johnson (UC Davis)
Exploration of novel biomarkers for repeated domoic acid exposure and associated chronic health impacts in at-risk southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis)


Michelle Kneeland (Biodiversity Research Institute)
Assessment of a Novel Lateral-Flow Device for Rapid Diagnosis of Avian Aspergillosis


Kirsten Lindquist (Greater Farallones Association)
Upgrades to current and historic beached bird demographic data to better inform oil spill planning and response


Ravinder Sehgal (San Francisco State University)
Survey of hemoparasites in seabirds undergoing rehabilitation



Jean-Pierre Delplanque (UC Davis)
In vitro and in vivo evaluation of amphotericin B delivery to chicken respiratory tracts using a custom designed dry powder insufflator

Erica Donnelly-Greenan (Oikonos Ecosystem Knowledge)
Assessing Impacts of Oil and Marine Plastics Ingestion for Black Skimmers from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

Katherine Haman (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife)
Health assessments in marbled murrelets (Brachyramophus marmoratus) at increased risk of crude oil exposure

Cristin Kelley (Tri-State Bird Rescue, Inc.)
Objective Evaluation of the Efficacy of 16 Surfactants in Removing Petrochemicals from Feathers

Michelle Kneeland (Biodiversity Research Institute)
Developing a rapidly-deployable, floating aquatic pen for housing seabirds during rehabilitation

Karen Ottemann (UC Santa Cruz)
Investigating the prevalence and pathology of Helicobacter infections in Southern sea otters

Claire Simeone (The Marine Mammal Center)
Anthelmintic therapies for Parafilaroides decorus pneumonia in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus)

Michael Stoskopf (North Carolina State University)
Crude Oil and Dispersant Impacts on Hatchling Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta)


Julie Skoglund (International Bird Rescue)
Prevalence, Incidence, and Characterization of Dermal Lesions in Diving Birds Undergoing Rehabilitation

Tenaya Norris (The Marine Mammal Center)
Distribution of Guadalupe Fur Seals (Arctocephalus philippii townsendi) Off of the California Coast


Michael Stoskopf (North Carolina State University)
Crude Oil and Dispersant Impacts on Hatchling Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta)

Tim Tinker (University of California Santa Cruz)
Advancing Tag Technology: A Peer-to-Peer Tracking Network for Wild Sea Otters


Tim Bean (Humboldt State University)
Unmanned Aircraft Systems: A Revolutionary Technology for Oiled Wildlife Response and Care

Catherine Burns (San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory)
Determining colonial waterbird distribution and demography in San Francisco Bay

Rebecca Duerr (International Bird Rescue)
Longevity and Dispersion of Rehabilitated Seabirds and Waterfowl, 1980-2010

Graeme Finlayson (Massey University)
Utilisation of sea water for washing mallards: effects on conditioning

Kerri Morgan (Massey University)
Oil and non-related causes of mortality in dead seabirds following the M/V Rena oil spill

Nola Parsons (South African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds)
Measurement of fibrinogen and serum protein values of African penguins admitted for rehabilitation

Claire Simeone (The Marine Mammal Center)
Subconjunctival antibiotic poloxamer gel for treatment of corneal ulceration in stranded California sea lions

Michael Stoskopf (North Carolina State University)
Crude Oil and Dispersant Impacts on Hatchling Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta)


Merav Ben-David (University of Wyoming)
Retrieval and archiving of long-term data on river otter responses to the Exxon Valdez Oil Spilll

James Harvey (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories)
Reducing time from capture to treatment of oiled wildlife by predicting stranding patterns of live oiled seabirds and carcass retention in Monterey Bay 

J. Gregory Massey & Keven Flammer (North Carolina State University)
Voriconazole sustained release dose range finding study in common murres

Christine Molter (UC Davis)
Pharmacokinetics of a single subcutaneous dose of sustained release buprenorphine in northern elephant seals

Lisa Tell (UC Davis)
Plasma and lung tissue kinetics for adult mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) following single intratracheal exposure of a nanoparticulate itraconazole suspension

Tim Tinker (UC Santa Cruz)
Game Changer:  Solar Powered Peer-to-Peer Tracking Network for Oiled and Rehabilitated Sea Otters

James Wellehan (University of Florida)
Novel seabird virus identification and development of quantitative assays for use in health impact assessment


Dawn Goley (Humboldt State University)
The Demography and Distribution of Stranded Marine Birds and Mammals in Northern California

Dan Grout (Island Conservation)
Farallones Gull Hazing Trials

Melissa Miller (California Department of Fish & Game)
The Inner Otter:  An Interactive Online Reference for Sea Otter-Related Spill Response, Biology and Disease

Kerri Morgan (Massey University Wildlife Health Centre)
Post-release monitoring of Little Blue Penguins (Eudyptula minor) following the C.V. Rena

Todd Schmitt (SeaWorld San Diego)
Pharmacokinetics of danofloxicin after single subcutaneous and intramuscular dose administration in California brown pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis)

Lisa Tell (UC Davis)
Testing an experimental vaccine in a Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) model of aspergillosis


Keven Flamme (North Carolina State University)
Pilot development of a long-acting cephalosporin formulation to treat avian microbial infections

James Harvey (San Jose State University/Moss Landing Marine Lab)
Predicting southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis) movements

Melissa Miller (California Department of Fish & Game)
The inner otter: An interactive online reference for sea otter-related spill response, biology and disease

Hannahrose Nevins (UC Davis)
Hot birds in cold water: Using thermography and thermal microchips to improve oiled seabird rehabilitation

Julie Skoglund (International Bird Rescue)
Effects of keel cushions on the behavior of Western grebes entering rehabilitation (Mentorship Award)

Lisa Tell (UC Davis)
Pharmacokinetic parameters of cefovecin in adult sea otters (Enhydra lutris)

Rory Wilson (Swansea University)
Development of minimal impact tags for tracking rehabilitated oiled seabirds

Eric Woehler (Polar-Eyes)
Longevity and dispersion of rehabilitated seabirds and waterfowl, 1980-2010


Kirk Klasing (UC Davis)
Investigation into the dietary needs of faunivorous seabirds undergoing rehabilitative care

J. Gregory Massey & Keven Flammer (North Carolina State University and UC Davis)
Development of a long-acting injectable formulation of voriconazole for aquatic birds

Hannahrose Nevins (UC Davis)
Validation of thermography to assess body temperature and waterproofing of captive and rehabilitated seabirds

Pamela Tuomi (Alaska SeaLife Center)
Pharmacokinetic studies of orally administered cefpodoxime proxetil in alcids

Kerri Morgan (New Zealand Wildlife Health Centre)
Feasibility of cleaning oil from sea bird feathers using sea water

Kristina Neuman (PRBO Conservation Science)
Survival and reproductive success of captive-reared and oiled western snowy plovers


Curt Clumpner (International Bird Rescue Research Center)
The evaluation of the use of a mixing sprayer for cleaning oiled birds (Mentorship Award)

Curt Clumpner (International Bird Rescue Research Center)
Comparison of methyl oleate and methyl soyate as pre-treating agents in cleaning oiled birds (Mentorship Award)

Kirk Klasing (UC Davis)
Investigation into the dietary needs of faunivorous seabirds undergoing rehabilitative care

Lynn Miller (Le Nichoir Wild Bird Rehabilitation Centre)
Does fibrinogen act as a predictor of outcome for birds impacted by crude oil?

Sharon Parker (Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research)
Pharmacokinetics of injectable meloxicam dosed orally and determination of pH of the proventriculi of waterbirds

Mark Pokras (Tufts University Wildlife Clinic)
Web atlas of the anatomy and pathology of aquatic birds

John Takekawa (USGS)
Health parameters, distribution and behavior of grebes and scoters in California estuarine and marine waters

Lisa Tell (UC Davis)
Identification of inflammatory markers of oil exposure in mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos)

Ronald Tjeerdema (UC Davis)
Effects of Crude Oil and Dispersed Oil on Spawning Topsmelt (Atherinops affinis)

Rory Wilson
Swansea University Institute of Environmental Sustainability
Development of minimal impact tags for tracking rehabilitated oiled seabirds


Scott Benson (NMFS, Southwest Fisheries Science Center)
Assessment of nutritional condition in free-ranging Pacific leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea)

James Harvey (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories)
Quantifying health parameters of Northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) to improve Procellariid rehabilitation

Kirk Klasing (UC Davis)
Investigation into the dietary needs of faunivorous seabirds undergoing rehabilitative care

Lauren Palmer (Marine Mammal Care Center, Fort MacArthur)
Is subclinical Toxoplasma gondii in northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) a risk for rehabilitation?

Lisa Tell (UC Davis)
Bioavailability and multi-dose pharmacokinetics of itraconazole in Western grebes (Aechmophorus occidentalis)

Tim Tinker (UC Santa Cruz)
Pilot project investigating potential effects of natural seep oil on sea otter health and survival

Ron Tjeerdema (UC Davis)
Effects of crude oil and dispersed oil on spawning toposmelt (Atherinops affinis)


Scott Benson (NMFS, Southwest Fisheries Science Center)
Assessment of nutritional condition in free-ranging Pacific leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea)

James Harvey (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories)
Quantifying health parameters of Northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) to improve Procellariid rehabilitation

Kirk Klasing (UC Davis)
Investigation into the dietary needs of faunivorous seabirds undergoing rehabilitative care

Lauren Palmer (Marine Mammal Care Center, Fort MacArthur)
Is subclinical Toxoplasma gondii in northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) a risk for rehabilitation?

Lisa Tell (UC Davis)
Bioavailability and multi-dose pharmacokinetics of itraconazole in Western grebes (Aechmophorus occidentalis)

Tim Tinker (UC Santa Cruz)
Pilot project investigating potential effects of natural seep oil on sea otter health and survival

Ron Tjeerdema (UC Davis)
Effects of crude oil and dispersed oil on spawning toposmelt (Atherinops affinis)


Barbara Byrne (UC Davis)
Pathogenesis of Streptococcus infantarious subspecies coli valvular endocarditis in sea otters

Donald Croll (UC Santa Cruz)
At-sea mortality patterns of Monterey Bay seabirds

Joseph Gaydos (UC Davis)
Reducing transport stress and developing a surgical technique for implanting satellite transmitters in Western grebes

James Lovvorn (University of Wyoming)
Developing captive husbandry for Cassin’s auklets and measuring their costs of foraging in spill-prone areas

J. Gregory Massey (UC Davis)
The ecology of aspergillosis in seabirds: Bridging the gap between environment and disease via molecular genotyping

Lisa Tell (UC Davis)
Pharmacokinetic parameters of voriconazole in adult mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos)

Ronald Tjeerdema (UC Davis)
Acute and chronic effects of crude and dispersed oil on the pre-smolt stage of Chinook salmon


Andrea Fascetti (UC Davis)
Determination of plasma amino acid concentrations in wild and captive sea otters

John Incardona (NOAA, Northwest Fisheries Science Center)
Mechanisms of petroleum hydrocarbon toxicity in fish at early life history stages

Karl Mayer (Monterey Bay Aquarium)
Long-term survival, behavior and reproductive success of stranded Southern sea otter pups reared for release with a surrogate mother

Jonna Mazet (UC Davis)
Health assessment of free-ranging Pacific leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in Monterey Bay, California

Woutrina Miller (UC Davis)
Effect of rehabilitation on pelagic bird fecal microbial communities and shedding of Salmonella spp

Ron Tjeerdema (UC Davis)
Acute and chronic effects of crude oil and dispersed oil on Chinook salmon smolts (Year 3)

Ron Tjeerdema (UC Davis)
Acute and chronic effects of crude and dispersed oil on the pre-smolt stage of Chinook salmon

Michael Ziccardi and J. Gregory Massey (UC Davis)
The ecology of aspergillosis in seabirds: Evaluation and validation of available diagnostic tests


Mark Colwell (Humboldt State University)
Assessing patterns of shorebird roost site fidelity with radio-marked dunlins (Calidris alpina)

Mark Colwell (Humboldt State University)
Spatial ecology of a marked population of the Western snowy plover (Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus)

Verena Gill (US Fish & Wildlife Service)
Prevalence of infectious disease as a cause of mortality in northern sea otters (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) in Alaska

James Harvey (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories)
Wings under waves: Diving behavior and time-activity budgets of provisioning Cassin’s auklets nesting in the Channel Islands, California

John Incardona (NOAA, Northwest Fisheries Science Center)
Mechanisms of petroleum hydrocabon toxicity in fish at early life history stages

Shawn Johnson (Alaska SeaLife Center)
Evaluation of an automated hemoglobinometer in seabirds

James Lovvorn (University of Wyoming)
Developing captive husbandry for Cassin’s auklets and measuring their costs of foraging in spill-prone areas

F. Charles Mohr (UC Davis)
Petroleum oil-induced adrenal hypertrophy in mink: Effects of stress, gender, and oil composition on adrenal function


Mark Colwell (Humboldt State University)
Assessing patterns of shorebird roost site fidelity with radio-marked dunlins (Calidris alpina)

Mark Colwell (Humboldt State University)
Spatial ecology of a marked population of the Western snowy plover (Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus)

Verena Gill (US Fish & Wildlife Service)
Prevalence of infectious disease as a cause of mortality in northern sea otters (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) in Alaska

James Harvey (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories)
Wings under waves: Diving behavior and time-activity budgets of provisioning Cassin’s auklets nesting in the Channel Islands, California

John Incardona (NOAA, Northwest Fisheries Science Center)
Mechanisms of petroleum hydrocabon toxicity in fish at early life history stages

Shawn Johnson (Alaska SeaLife Center)
Evaluation of an automated hemoglobinometer in seabirds

James Lovvorn (University of Wyoming)
Developing captive husbandry for Cassin’s auklets and measuring their costs of foraging in spill-prone areas

F. Charles Mohr (UC Davis)
Petroleum oil-induced adrenal hypertrophy in mink: Effects of stress, gender, and oil composition on adrenal function


Mark Colwell (Humboldt State)
University space use, movements and habitat use of snowy plovers in Humboldt County, California

James T. Harvey (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories)
Hematology, plasma chemistry, and movements of the sooty shearwater (Puffinus griseus) respond to changes in body condition, food habits, and ocean conditions off California

James T. Harvey (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories)
Diving and hematology of common murre (Uria aalge) in Monterey Bay, California

Laird A. Henkel (HT Harvey and Associates)
At-sea distribution of marbled murrelets in San Luis Obispo County, California

Jenifer A. Hurley (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories)
Gastric disease in stranded pinnipeds: evaluating the prevalence and treatment of a novel Helicobacter species

Michelle Lander (The Marine Mammal Center)
Implantation of subcutaneous radio transmitters in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina)

F. Charles Mohr (UC Davis)
Investigation of the mechanism of adrenal gland hypertrophy induced by petroleum oil in American mink

Gary W. Page (Point Reyes Bird Observatory)
Factors influencing the distribution of shorebirds on beaches of Monterey Bay, California


Mark Colwell (Humboldt State)
University space use, movements and habitat use of snowy plovers in Humboldt County, California

James T. Harvey (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories)
Hematology, plasma chemistry, and movements of the sooty shearwater (Puffinus griseus) respond to changes in body condition, food habits, and ocean conditions off California

James T. Harvey (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories)
Diving and hematology of common murre (Uria aalge) in Monterey Bay, California

Laird A. Henkel (HT Harvey and Associates)
At-sea distribution of marbled murrelets in San Luis Obispo County, California

Jenifer A. Hurley (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories)
Gastric disease in stranded pinnipeds: evaluating the prevalence and treatment of a novel Helicobacter species

Michelle Lander (The Marine Mammal Center)
Implantation of subcutaneous radio transmitters in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina)

F. Charles Mohr (UC Davis)
Investigation of the mechanism of adrenal gland hypertrophy induced by petroleum oil in American mink

Gary W. Page (Point Reyes Bird Observatory)
Factors influencing the distribution of shorebirds on beaches of Monterey Bay, California


Mark Colwell (Humboldt State)
University space use, movements and habitat use of snowy plovers in Humboldt County, California

James T. Harvey (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories)
Hematology, plasma chemistry, and movements of the sooty shearwater (Puffinus griseus) respond to changes in body condition, food habits, and ocean conditions off California

James T. Harvey (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories)
Diving and hematology of common murre (Uria aalge) in Monterey Bay, California

Laird A. Henkel (HT Harvey and Associates)
At-sea distribution of marbled murrelets in San Luis Obispo County, California

Jenifer A. Hurley (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories)
Gastric disease in stranded pinnipeds: evaluating the prevalence and treatment of a novel Helicobacter species

Michelle Lander (The Marine Mammal Center)
Implantation of subcutaneous radio transmitters in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina)

F. Charles Mohr (UC Davis)
Investigation of the mechanism of adrenal gland hypertrophy induced by petroleum oil in American mink

Gary W. Page (Point Reyes Bird Observatory)
Factors influencing the distribution of shorebirds on beaches of Monterey Bay, California


Merav Ben-David (University of Alaska, Anchorage)
Post-release survival of river otters: Partitioning the effects of oiling and rehabilitation from the effects of captivity.

Walter M. Boyce (UC Davis)
Genotoxicity of oil to mitochondrial DNA: A pilot study using the mink model for sea otters

Mark A. Colwell (Humboldt State University)
Spatial analysis of Humboldt Bay birds: Implications in the event of an oil spill

James D. Gilardi (The Oceanic Society)
Testing the use of sound to prevent marine birds and mammals from entering oil-contaminated waters off the coast of California

Marty Haulena (The Marine Mammal Center)
Comparison of end-tidal carbon dioxide levels in anesthetized California sea lions with and without assisted mechanical ventilation

David A. Jessup (Marine Wildlife Vet. Care Research Center)
Adaptation of sea otter husbandry protocols to emergency situations: A pilot study

Donald P. King (UC Davis)
Development of rapid diagnostic tests to detect phocine herpes virus infection in Pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardsi)

Lynn Miller (Le Nichoir Rehabilitation Centre)
Proposal to evaluate use of acute phase proteins as early indicators of toxic stress induced by oil in birds

F. Charles Mohr (UC Davis)
Effect of petroleum oil on immune competence in wildlife: Studies with mink as a model for petroleum oil exposure in sea otters

Scott Newman (UC Davis)
The biological and behavioral impacts of radio telemetry attachment on seabirds: Part II

Lisa A. Tell (UC Davis)
Pharmacokinetic properties and systemic effects of a controlled release formulation of itraconazole in mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos)

Pamela K. Yochem (Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute)
Changes in the skin and blood of northern elephant seals associated with molt, presence of oil or tar on the skin and hair, and disease


Jennifer Burns (Institute of Marine Sciences, UCSC)
Health, condition, and reproductive rates of harbor seals in Monterey Bay, California

Harry R. Carter (Humboldt State University and USGS, BRD)
At-sea foraging patterns of Cassin's auklets in southern California

Mark A. Colwell (Humboldt State University)
Spatial analysis of Humboldt Bay bird distributions: Implications for prevention, response, and rehabilitation of oiled birds

Michael S. Denison (UC Davis)
Evaluation and use of a recombinant cell bioassay to detect and quantify internal petroleum exposure in sea otters (Enhydra lutris ssp.) exposed to or at risk of exposure to oil spills

Frances Gulland (The Marine Mammal Center)
Assessment and comparison of health status, survival, and behavior of recently weaned and free-ranging and rehabilitated southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis) pups

David Jessup (California Department of Fish and Game)
An assessment of levels of polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons, pesticides, trace elements and heavy metals in tissues of selected prey items of California sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) foraging in the Elkhorn Slough and Moss Landing harbor areas

Jonna A. K. Mazet (UC Davis)
The use of geldanamycin to prevent the toxic effects of internal oil exposure on reproduction of mink (Mustela vison) as a model for sea otters (Enhydra lutris)

F. Charles Mohr (UC Davis)
Effects of petroleum oil on immune competence in wildlife: Studies with mink as a model for petroleum oil exposure in sea otters

Scott H. Newman (UC Davis)
The biological and behavioral impacts of radio telemetry attachment on seabirds

Donald Smith (UC Santa Cruz)
Effects of contaminants on immune suppression in seabirds

Florina S. Tseng (International Bird Rescue Research Center)
An investigation into the efficacy of itraconazole as a preventative and treatment for Aspergillus infections in seabirds


Merav Ben-David (University of Alaska, Anchorage)
Responses of river otters to oil contamination: A controlled study of biological stress markers, diving physiology, and foraging success

Michael S. Denison (UC Davis)
Development and use of a recombinant cell bioassay to detect and quantify polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the serum of free-ranging wildlife prior to and during oil spills

David A. Ferrick (UC Davis)
Development of marine mammal immune cell reconstituted mice as an in vivo model to investigate the effects of oil exposure on sea otters, pinnipeds, and cetaceans

Frances Gulland (The Marine Mammal Center)
Assessment and comparison of the health status, survival and behavior of recently weaned free-ranging and rehabilitated southern sea otter pups

James Harvey (Moss Landing Marine Laboratory)
Assessment of the post-release survival of rehabilitated and wild harbor seal pups.

F. Charles Mohr (UC Davis)
Effect of petroleum oil on immune competence in wildlife: Studies with mink as a model for petroleum oil exposure in sea otters

Florina S. Tseng (International Bird Rescue Research Center)
An investigation into the efficacy of itraconazole as a preventative and treatment of aspergillus infections in seabirds

Florina S. Tseng (International Bird Rescue Research Center)
An investigation in the use of sedatives in oiled bird rehabilitation

Terrie M. Williams (UC Santa Cruz)
The effect of salt and fresh water on the thermal insulation of otter fur

Michael Ziccardi (UC Davis)
The histopathological and biochemical effect of petroleum products on seabirds

Joseph G. Zinkl (UC Davis)
Examining avian stress parameters associated with rehabilitation methodologies


Merav Ben-David (University of Alaska, Anchorage)
Responses of river otters to oil contamination: A controlled study of biological stress markers, diving physiology, and foraging success

Michael S. Denison (UC Davis)
Development and use of a recombinant cell bioassay to detect and quantify polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the serum of free-ranging wildlife prior to and during oil spills

David A. Ferrick (UC Davis)
Development of marine mammal immune cell reconstituted mice as an in vivo model to investigate the effects of oil exposure on sea otters, pinnipeds, and cetaceans

Frances Gulland (The Marine Mammal Center)
Assessment and comparison of the health status, survival and behavior of recently weaned free-ranging and rehabilitated southern sea otter pups

James Harvey (Moss Landing Marine Laboratory)
Assessment of the post-release survival of rehabilitated and wild harbor seal pups.

F. Charles Mohr (UC Davis)
Effect of petroleum oil on immune competence in wildlife: Studies with mink as a model for petroleum oil exposure in sea otters

Florina S. Tseng (International Bird Rescue Research Center)
An investigation into the efficacy of itraconazole as a preventative and treatment of aspergillus infections in seabirds

Florina S. Tseng (International Bird Rescue Research Center)
An investigation in the use of sedatives in oiled bird rehabilitation

Terrie M. Williams (UC Santa Cruz)
The effect of salt and fresh water on the thermal insulation of otter fur

Michael Ziccardi (UC Davis)
The histopathological and biochemical effect of petroleum products on seabirds

Joseph G. Zinkl (UC Davis)
Examining avian stress parameters associated with rehabilitation methodologies