2025-2026 OWCN Request for Small Grant Proposals is now live

Deadline to submit a Small Grant Proposal is April 1, 2025

curt clumpner releasing pelicans

OWCN Mentored Research Program

OWCN Mentored Research Program

The OWCN Mentored Research Program is designed to promote OWCN Member Organizations’ efforts to identify new and better ways of caring for oiled animals.

Rehabilitation organizations do a tremendous job caring for hundreds, if not thousands, of animals every year. Staff and volunteers often have to juggle the time needed to care for these patients with figuring out new and novel ways to provide and improve that careoften on shoestring budgets. Taking these ideas and developing research projects from them is worthwhile, but can be somewhat intimidating, and that’s why this program is here to help!

The goals of this program are to:

  • Advance knowledge of best achievable care for oiled wildlife
  • Foster scientific inquiry by OWCN Member Organizations
  • Assist organizations with project idea development, proposal writing, project design and implementation, final report, presentation (poster or oral), and if desired, publication

Interested OWCN Member Organizations may apply simply by submitting a Project Concept Form. Applicants will then be assigned an OWCN Mentor who will assist with the elaboration of the project concept and then, if viable, the development of a complete study design and full project proposal. Although Project Concept Forms may be submitted at any time, only those submitted by July 5, 2019 will afford the time required for Mentor matching and generation of a full project proposal in time to apply for this year's funds. Submitted proposals will be reviewed by OWCN and selected according to scientific merit, achievability and their ability to help improve care of oil-affected wildlife. Organizations with selected projects will receive funds as well as ongoing mentor assistance throughout the duration of the study.

Here is an example of a previously funded project titled, “Effects of Keel Cushions on the Behavior of Western Grebes Entering Rehabilitation”:

So what are you waiting for? Click on the Project Concept Form and get started! Submit your Project Concept Form in PDF format to Lorraine Barbosa at lbarbosa@ucdavis.edu today!