Monterey, CA

8:30 Welcome
8:45 CDFW-OSPR Updates
9:00 OWCN Updates
9:20 New OWCN Member Organizations
9:40 Oiled Wildlife Planning Summit Workgroup Updates
10:30 Distribution of Guadalupe Fur Seals (Arctocephalus townsendi) off the California Coast - Tenaya Norris (The Marine Mammal Center)
10:50 Use of Technology for Improving Wildlife Recovery During Oil Spills - David Garcelon (Institute for Wildlife Studies)
11:10 Evaluation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Detection of Oiled Wildlife - Daniel Barton (Humboldt State University)
11:30 From Paper to Pixels: Some Online Tools for Spill Response - Jordan Stout (NOAA)
11:50 Advancing Tag Technology: A Peer-to-Peer Tracking Network for Rehabilitated and Wild Sea Otters - Zach Randell (USGS, UCSC, OSU)
1:10 Inland Oil Spills: Species Data & Impications for Wildlife Responders - Jennie Schlieps (Focus Wildlife)
1:30 Regional Intravenous Antibiotic Perfusion for Digital Lesions in Seabirds - Christine Fiorello (Albuquerque BioPark Zoo)
1:50 Tri-State's Wildlife Response Annex: Flexible Spaces to Serve a Range of Species - Danene Birtell (Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research)
2:10 Method Development to Assess Cardiovascular & Blood Hemostasis Effects of Oral & Dermal Oil Toxicity Testing in Double-Crested Cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) - Kendal Harr (Urika Pathology LLC)
2:45 Reaching Media Through Alternative Methods - Steve Gonzalez (CDFW-OSPR)
3:05 Case Study: The Grove Incident - Inland Wildlife Operations (Mike Connell (CDFW-OSPR)
3:25 Case Study: Inland Oil Spill Response in Alberta, Canada - Isabel Luevano (International Bird Rescue)
4:00 Predator Consumption of Forage Fish in the California Current - Julie Thayer (Farallon Institute)
4:20 Movement Patterns of Oiled Brown Pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis) Following Rehabilitation - Juliet Lamb (Clemson University) and Assessment of Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) Post-Spill Survival & Condition Based on Field Tracking - Deborah Jaques (Pacific Eco Logic)
4:50 Closing Remarks